Divadelní agentura ECHO
The theatre agency ECHO was founded in 1990 by Václav Kotek and, since his untimely death in 2019, the company is now managed by his wife Alena. The agency focusses mainly on theatre but has participated in number of artistic projects that include, creative art and film. Echo also was at the birth of humanitarian child movement „Na vlastních nohou“ (On my own feet) in 1999; it‘s a charity that has provided humanitarian relief to many places in the world that are affected by war or natural disasters. ECHO still works with the charity today.

Václav Kotek (1953-2019)
Václav Kotek started his theatre career as a set designer but then later became an actor (appearing in over 12 of the Cimrman plays in various roles) and producer. In 1990, he founded the theatre agency Divadelni Agentura Echo and following its inception, Echo, the company, became the exclusive representative of the Theatre of Jára Cimrman and other theatres including, since 2014, the Cimrman English Theatre. As a producer, he, and his wife Alena, were pivotal in helping to establish the Cimrman English Theatre. They were enthusiasts of the English translations and Václav even took on roles in our performances of Conquest. He is, and will continue to be, sorely missed. We are part of his legacy and proud of it.